• Post published:June 12, 2019

RemoteFeel Demoday at CIVIT

FIMA‘s (Forum for Intelligent Machines) Remote Demoday will be organized at CIVIT on Friday 14.06.2019. The idea is to create a showroom of new ideas and demonstrations for advanced remote operations. The demos will be presented by RemoteFeel research groups and requested visiting specialists. Find out more here.

Directions to CIVIT

CIVIT is located in SA201, Sähkötalo at Hervanta Campus (map). You can find the parking lot and parking hall for visitors in Korkeakoulunkatu.
CIVIT's 'camera corner’: introducing ournew 360° camera, Hyperspectral Camera (Senop) and Thermal Camera (FLIR A315)
CIVIT's 'camera corner’: introducing ournew 360° camera, Hyperspectral Camera (Senop) and Thermal Camera (FLIR A315)
Remote driving - multimodal feedback, demo by TAUCHI at CIVIT, Tampere University
Remote driving - multimodal feedback, demo by TAUCHI
CIVIT demo Test setup for stereo vs. mono vision
CIVIT Test setup for stereo vs. mono vision
Demos at CIVIT: Audio feedback with synthetic sounds by TAUCHI
Audio feedback with synthetic sounds by TAUCHI
Demos by B&R Industriautomation at CIVIT
Demos by B&R Industriautomation
Demos by Tactotek