Our facilities include state-of-the-art equipment and datasets for your research needs. CIVIT is a valuable tool in the realization of many research projects as it allows access to high-quality facilities in an economically efficient way. Researchers, students and companies are welcome to utilize our equipment and dataset and software tools in their research projects.
CIVIT premises in Sähkötalo, Hervanta Campus, include capture and XR studios, plenoptics lab and a UX room. The facilities can be used, for example, in the sectors of visual content creation and representation of visual data, advanced displays, spatial measurements and processing, and user experience.
For Researchers and Staff
Researchers and staff at Tampere Universities (TAU & TAMK) can request access to our facilities by filling in the request form. The equipment is free of charge for the staff and students when it is used for research purposes.
For Students
Students can get access to our equipment and facilities through courses, research projects or thesis work.
Students who need the equipment for their thesis work should send their research plan and supervisor’s contact information to civit@tuni.fi. In their research plan, students should mention why the equipment is necessary for the outcome/result of the thesis.
For Companies
Companies can get access to our facilities through research projects or our services for companies, such as Proof of Concept-projects and equipment rental.
For Visitors
If you are interested in visiting CIVIT, please contact us at civit@tuni.fi. CIVIT is located in Sähkötalo SA201, Hervanta Campus. You can find the location on the Campus Map (PDF). For more information about arriving and parking at Hervanta Campus, please visit Tampere University’s webpage.

Capture studios
We have a full-scale optical motion capture studio, Xsens inertial motion capture suit and a volumetric capture studio. Our capture equipment also includes camera rigs and versatile cameras (high frame rate, high resolution, high SNR), multimodal sensors (range, thermal, hyper-spectral), capture platforms and other camera accessories.

XR studio
CIVIT is equipped with different immersive gear, including advanced displays, omnidirectional virtual reality treadmill and XR headsets. We will also get a new remote operation setup in 2022.

Plenoptics lab
The Plenoptics lab accommodates a custom-designed near-eye light-field display evaluation setup and equipment (SLMs, DMDs, coherent & incoherent light sources, etc.) for research and development of advanced computational plenoptic image acquisition and display systems such as hyperspectral and light field cameras for snapshot spectral and volumetric imaging; and accommodation-invariant, light field and holographic near-eye displays for VR/AR.

Presence and experience
Our premises include a sound-proof AV facility, which can be used for different user experience experiments and multimedia evaluations. The facility supports remote presence and remote connectivity research through Nimbra gear.