• Post published:February 28, 2022

Renovation Timeline

Our renovation is finally finished, and we are now scrupulously moving and installing our equipment back to our premises in Sähkötalo SA201, Hervanta Campus. Here is the tentative timeline of our plans for the next steps:

February 2022
Moving the equipment

Installing and moving our equipment back to the CIVIT premises.

March 2022
Installing the robotic arm

Moving and installing the KUKA robotic arm back to CIVIT. 

March 2022
Setting up the Nimbra connection

Connecting and testing the Nimbra connection between CIVIT and the city centre campus. 

March–April 2022
Installing the VoCap system
Installing the new volumetric capture system into our newly renovated capture studio.
April 2022
Installing the MoCap system

Installing the motion capture system and studio lights into the newly renovated capture studio.

We are looking forward to the reopening of our newly renovated premises and seeing our colleagues and partners there. We will inform you once our premises are fully operational again!