• Post published:April 19, 2022

XR Morning 13.5.2022

The CIVIT team will demonstrate new technologies in the XR Morning event in Kampusareena, Hervanta Campus on Friday, 13 May, 2022. The event is organized by Kampusklubi brining experts in the field together.

CIVIT will have two demonstrations in the event:

  1. Xsens motion capture suit demo
    The Xsens suit is a portable, inertial system that can be used for motion capture in gaming, film, animation, TV broadcasting and live entertainment. In this demo, you can see how to calibrate, program and use the system’s different features. The captured data is streamed through Unreal engine on a display.
  2. Camera tracking pipeline demo
    Match moving is a process in visual effects (VFX) in which virtual objects are augmented into a live video with appropriate position, orientation, and scale to match the background objects of the video. Post-processing software such as Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects track features in a video to estimate the camera motion to augment the virtual objects. Our work explores how multi-sensory data like colour image, depth data from Time of Flight (ToF) sensor, inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors could be used to accurately track the camera motion in real time.

In addition to the demos, we are happy to discuss future collaboration ideas! We have recently installed the first volumetric capture studio in Finland in CIVIT, and we are looking forward to finding use cases from the industry. 

See you on Friday, 13 May, 2022!

Event details

Location: Kampusareena 1st floor lobby, Hervanta Campus, Tampere

Time: 09:00–13:00 on Friday, 13.5.2022