Workshop on Immersive Quality of Experience
CIVIT and Nokia Technologies are organizing a half-day workshop on Immersive Quality of Experience. The workshop will take place on 6th of June at 9:00-12:30, in Tampere University of Technology, auditorium RG202. There will be four presentations (also on Youtube) from experts in the field from the Academy and Industry. We warmly invite everyone interested to come and learn more about the addressed topics and discuss with the speakers.
Tentative agenda
Wednesday 06.06.2018
- 09:00–9:30 – Morning coffee
- 09:30–10:10 – Patrick Le Callet, Professor at University of Nantes: Quality of Experience and Immersive Media
- 10:10–10:50 – Federica Battisti, Assistant Professor at University of Roma TRE: Objective Quality Metrics for New Immersive Media
- 10:50–11:30 – Igor Curcio, Bell Labs Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Nokia Technologies: Immersive Quality Assessment in VR Streaming
- 11:30–12:10 – Atanas Gotchev, Director of CIVIT: Densely-sampled Light Field Representation Supporting Focus and Parallax Visual Cues
Rakennustalo, auditorium RG202
Korkeakoulunkatu 5
33720 Tampere
Quality of Experience and Immersive Media

Abstract: Since the late 90’s, the notion of ‘Quality of Experience’ (QoE) has gained large attention in different application contexts, including media industry. In particular, the QoE concept has emerged to enhance the concept of image quality to fully cover more dimension of the user experience of media service. In this talk, I introduce few concepts, challenges, and trends related to QoE at the era of immersive media.
Patick Le Callet received both an M.Sc. and a PhD degree in image processing from Ecole polytechnique de l’Université de Nantes. He was also a student at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan where he sat the “Aggrégation” (credentialing exam) in electronics of the French National Education. He worked as an Assistant Professor from 1997 to 1999 and as a full time lecturer from 1999 to 2003 at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Technical Institute of the University of Nantes (IUT). Since 2003, he teaches at Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université de Nantes (Engineering School) in the Electrical Engineering and the Computer Science departments where is now a Full Professor. He led for ten years (2006-16) the Image and Video Communication lab at CNRS IRCCyN and was one of the five members (2013-16) of the Steering Board of CNRS IRCCyN (250 researchers). Since January 2017, he is one of the seven members of the steering Board the CNRS LS2N lab (450 researchers), as representative of Polytech Nantes. He is also since 2015 the scientific director of the cluster “Ouest Industries Créatives”, a five year program gathering more than 10 institutions (including 3 universities). “Ouest Industries Créatives” aims to strengthen Research, Education & Innovation of the Region Pays de Loire in the field of Creative Industries. He is mostly engaged in research dealing with the application of human vision modeling in image and video processing. His current centers of interest are Quality of Experience assessment, Visual Attention modeling and applications, Perceptual Video Coding and Immersive Media Processing. He is co-author of more than 250 publications and communications and co-inventor of 16 international patents on these topics. He serves or has been served as associate editor or guest editor for several Journals such as IEEE TIP, IEEE STSP, IEEE TCSVT, SPRINGER EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, and SPIE JEI. He is serving in IEEE IVMSP-TC (2015- to present) and IEEE MMSP-TC (2015-to present) and one the founding member of EURASIP SAT (Special Areas Team) on Image and Video Processing.
Objective Quality Metrics for New Immersive Media

Abstract: Federica Battisti’s research activity started with the design and implementation of watermarking techniques for granting the ownership protection of images. Investigation on this topic led to the study of quality issues related to the watermark invisibility that resulted in the definition of new image quality metrics and in the contribution to the creation of a widely used database for quality metrics benchmark. The interest on image quality was later extended to video and multi-view imaging. Currently, the area of interest is in the light-field imaging both for efficient depth map estimation and for quality assessment.
Federica Battisti is Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering at Università degli Studi Roma Tre. She received the Laurea (Master of Science) in Electronic Engineering from Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, in July 2006 and in March 2010 she received the Ph.D. degree with a thesis titled “Multimedia data hiding based on human perception characteristics”. Her main research interests are signal and image processing with a focus on the subjective quality analysis of visual contents.
Immersive Quality Assessment in VR Streaming

Abstract: This talk will be about Streaming of omnidirectional video and will touch topics ranging from subjective video quality assessment to methodology, and presenting results of viewport-dependent tiled video streaming, asymmetric omnidirectional stereo video, with the purpose of reducing the streaming bit rate.
Igor D.D. Curcio received a Ph.D. degree in Signal Processing from Tampere University of Technology (Finland). In 1998 he joined Nokia. He is now Bell Labs Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Nokia Technologies and has been Lecturer in Video Compression at Tampere University of Technology in 2012-2016. Dr. Curcio has been active for more than 15 years in 3GPP, DLNA, IETF, MPEG, where he also covered sub-working group and task forces Chair positions, and (co-)authored over 200 standardization contributions. Dr. Curcio holds about 300 granted international patents, and several are currently pending. He is ACM member since 1990, and IEEE member since 1991. He published about 70 papers in the areas of Mobile Media Applications and Services. Dr. Curcio served in the organizing committees and TPCs of several international IEEE and ACM conferences. His current interests include immersive media services and standardization of omnidirectional video communication protocols in MPEG.
Densely-Sampled Light Field Representation Supporting Focus and Parallax Visual Cues

Abstract: Densely-sampled Light Field is an attractive representation of scene visual content facilitating arbitrary ray interpolation and view synthesis. In this talk, we discuss its effective reconstruction from sparse multi-perspective views, and motive its use for supporting visual cues such as focus and continuous imaging leading to ultra-realistic and immersive visual experience.
Atanas Gotchev holds M.Sc. degrees in radio and television engineering (1990) and applied mathematics (1992), Ph.D. degree in telecommunications (1996) from Technical University of Sofia, and D.Sc.(Tech.) degree in information technologies from Tampere University of Technology (2003). He is a Professor at the Laboratory of Signal Processing and Director of the Centre for Immersive Visual Technologies at Tampere University of Technology. His research interests consist of sampling and interpolation theory as well as spline and spectral methods with applications for multidimensional signal analysis. His recent work concentrates on the algorithms for multi-sensor 3-D scene capture, transform-domain light-field reconstruction, and Fourier analysis of 3-D displays.